Friday, April 30, 2010

On LinkedIn: Follow Companies for Insider Info

A brand-new LinkedIn feature is one of its best. LinkedIn now gives you the ability to “follow” companies that interest you. By following a company you get updates every time an employee in the LinkedIn database is hired, promoted, or leaves the company. 

If the company revises its customized Linkedin profile you’re notified of that as well. Finally, if it has new job openings you’ll get that bit of news too.While job openings are available through many different websites, that other data on new hires, departures, and so on isn’t readily available. 

To start following companies, just go to the Companies link (mouse over to the More link on LinkedIn’s Home page and it will drop down), enter some keywords that describe companies you’re interested in, and go right to the company profile. 

Along the right you’ll see a new option “follow company.” Click on that and you’re on your way to getting this unique information.

To recap, following companies on LinkedIn provides the following information:

1)    News on personnel changes that you can use to get a feel for the types of openings available at the company right now, and its strategic direction.

2)    Job opportunities

3)    Updated company profiles--excellent for interview prep

With 65 million members LinkedIn is hands-down the most important social networking site for job hunters. For how to get the most from LinkedIn see How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other Social Networks.

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